Vehicle Dynamics Drags
Types of Aerodynamics Drag in Automobile Engineering 1) Form Drag (Pressure Drag) :- Form drag arises due to the vehicle's shape while in motion through the air, resulting from pressure disparities between its front and rear surfaces. Shaping the vehicle to mitigate sudden alterations in form and streamlining its design are effective strategies for diminishing form drag 2) Interference Drag :- Interference drag is caused by the interaction of airflow between different parts of the vehicle, such as between the body and wheels, or between the body and side mirrors. This interaction can create turbulence and increase drag. Designing vehicles with smooth transitions between components can help reduce interference drag. 3) Wave Drag : Wave drag occurs when a vehicle approaches the speed of sound (transonic) or exceeds it (supersonic). At these speeds, shock waves form around the vehicle, creating high-pressure regions that increase drag. Streamlining the vehicle's shape and mi...